Josephine: economic agency through cooking!

Headquartered in Oakland, CA, Josephine is a community based platform for home cooks to sell their specialty cuisine to their neighbors, who order and pay online and then pick up in person. Its ambitious mission addresses three identified needs with a view to catalyzing sustainable growth economies within neighborhoods: (Labor) providing retirees, stay-at-home parents, immigrants and historically underemployed groups with dignified, profitable and self-sufficient work; (Food Justice) cooks turn cultural and family know-how into a vehicle for a living wage while providing cross-cultural food exchange, community bonding and uplift with a nutritional value-add; and (Tech Equity) technology becomes more inclusive through food, as vetted cooks who may not normally have access to or be comfortable with computers/smartphones are trained to manage, maintain and grow their businesses via the platform. #NeedEconomy

Milingual: you have to live a language!

Español, Français, English, Deutsch? The first of its kind Milingual offers a shared economy platform for learning a language in everyday life settings. The platform connects local native speakers who want to earn a living teaching in natural settings with students, and mutually beneficial partnerships with local businesses who play host to linguistic exchanges. Private group, company or individual classes available. In a bar, on a walk or out to dinner – A language must be lived!/Los Idiomas No Se Estudian, ¡Se Viven! Currently serving the #NeedEconomy in Madrid.