Media duMonde is your global Ad Partner!

Media duMonde is your global Ad Partner!

Innovation is the antithesis of the canon! – Define your own path with Ad space by Media duMonde. We are everywhere people innovate. Our goal is to help you get exposure early - when you most need it to get to the next stage. Create your seat at our table! ...
Hello Tractor: a pioneering solution to global food and income security

Hello Tractor: a pioneering solution to global food and income security

Hello Tractor is a first of its kind agricultural technology company responding to the needs of resource-poor farmers. Starting in Nigeria, the company designed an innovative, low-cost “Smart Tractor” specifically to meet the unique needs of small farmers. Smart Tractor owners can tailor its use for a variety of crops ...
Tespack: master your own energy

Tespack: master your own energy

Based in Helsinki, Finland, Tespack is a company specialized in creating wearable tech to keep people charged at all times. Military special forces, extreme sports enthusiasts and avid adventure travelers alike will be emPowered by Tespack's renewable energy technology. Products include solar smartpacks and backpacks, power banks, ATOTUS - a ...
Plair: real-time bioaerosol monitoring

Plair: real-time bioaerosol monitoring

The Swiss-based Russian couple, Denis Kiselev and Svetlana Afonina, have pioneered a game-changing technology with environmental and health applications. Their "Rapid-E" is a high specificity, real-time particle detector that conducts airborne allergen, air quality and bioaerosol monitoring ...
Uncharted Play: harnessing clean energy for the #NeedEconomy

Uncharted Play: harnessing clean energy for the #NeedEconomy

Uncharted Play envisions a world with sustainable, clean and renewable energy, all while promoting the importance of physical activity and making meaningful social impact. It's first product, sOccket, is an energy harnessing soccer ball that powers a 3-LED lamp after hours of play. The more you play, the more energy ...
SOLBEN: Mexican pioneer in bioenergy

SOLBEN: Mexican pioneer in bioenergy

SOLBEN is México's leader in biodiesel technology and a global pioneer in non-food, renewable and clean energy production. The company developed its own proprietary, patented technology - a single machine which facilitates the creation of biodiesel using more than 70 raw materials. Its decentralized business model has seen the proliferation ...