Tespack: master your own energy

Based in Helsinki, Finland, Tespack is a company specialized in creating wearable tech to keep people charged at all times. Military special forces, extreme sports enthusiasts and avid adventure travelers alike will be emPowered by Tespack’s renewable energy technology. Products include solar smartpacks and backpacks, power banks, ATOTUS – a solar helmet that can be used with night vision goggles and action cameras, and PAX1 – a military service suitcase that provides satellite wifi anywhere on earth for up to 2 weeks! A Startupbootcamp alum, Tespack took 1st place at Startup Turkey 2017! #FutureOfEnergy

Uncharted Play: harnessing clean energy for the #NeedEconomy

Uncharted Play envisions a world with sustainable, clean and renewable energy, all while promoting the importance of physical activity and making meaningful social impact. It’s first product, sOccket, is an energy harnessing soccer ball that powers a 3-LED lamp after hours of play. The more you play, the more energy is generated. Second is Pulse, a jump rope that acts as a portable battery charger. Charge it by plugging it into a wall or laptop, or by using it to jump rope. Uncharted Play’s most recent development is a proprietary technology called M.O.R.E., or Motion-based, Off-grid, Renewable Energy, designed to seamlessly integrate into nearly any object, from bicycles and wheelchairs, to baby strollers or skateboards, to either power the object itself or other objects. #NeedEconomy

SOLBEN: Mexican pioneer in bioenergy

SOLBEN is México’s leader in biodiesel technology and a global pioneer in non-food, renewable and clean energy production. The company developed its own proprietary, patented technology – a single machine which facilitates the creation of biodiesel using more than 70 raw materials. Its decentralized business model has seen the proliferation of plants throughout México where customers not only implement SOLBEN technology, but also benefit from a suite of training, testing and other products to support them throughout the biodiesel production process. Boasting the largest biodiesel production capacity in México, SOLBEN technology is making its way around the world (Costa Rica, France, S. America). Solving local needs, enabling global solutions. #GreenTech #CleanTech #NeedEconomy