hearZA™: S. Africa’s 1st national hearing test!

Developed and validated by the Univ. of Pretoria, hearZA™ addresses a vital issue: millions of S. Africans suffer from hearing impairment without knowing it and heretofore without easy/affordable access to audiological testing and care. Specifically for S. Africa, the app tests ones hearing in under 2 minutes and provides normative data in all 11 of the country’s official languages! A normalized hearing score is provided against your score, and you are connected with an audiologist near you if a hearing problem is detected. Downloadable for all Android and iOS smartphones. Use with any headphones. #NeedEconomy

Livestock Wealth: the stock market for Cows!

Founded in 2014, Livestock Wealth is the first of its kind crowdfarming platform that allows anyone, world-wide, to become a farmer by investing in a cow and earn income from the sale of its offspring. Investors can use the website and/or a mobile app to track, manage and name their cow(s). A true disruption of what it means to invest on a global exchange and in agriculture, Livestock Wealth  at once provides investment opportunities to a local population with traditional and cultural ties to the land by using a commodity they understand and value, while challenging global investors’ notion that stocks are the only thing worth exchanging for profit across borders. The platform promises positive social and environmental impact with profits for all at every step of the value and supply chain. #NeedEconomy